LeasePlan is a market-leading leasing company managing the entire lifecycle of its vehicles in more than 30 countries. Find out how this international brand managed to communicate locally in all Slovak regions thanks to our digital campaign entitled Od Tatier k Dunaju (From the Tatras to the Danube) in cooperation with Dexfinity (new ui42 digital).

Creative design and implementation of a digital campaign with a primary aim of leasing cars and a secondary aim to improve awareness of LeasePlan as a brand.

Our approach
Our aim was to create a local B2B campaign to present LeasePlan as a global brand which is affordable and approachable. This was the purpose of our digital campaign Od Tatier k Dunaju.

The campaign made LeasePlan more accessible to Slovak entrepreneurs living in towns where the brand doesn’t have an office. Thanks to the client’s advantageous offer, the campaign’s strategic, creative design and realization we achieved both targets.
Apart from providing operating leasing services, this campaign was the start of our cooperation with LeasePlan which still continues until today.
- creative campaign concept
- strategy design and division of the campaign into phases
- graphical visual designs for GoogleAds and social networks
- HTML banners
- Inhouse photo production
- Texts for Google Search campaigns
There are many agencies on the market which do their job very well. What convinced me that the final choice was the right one were details that make the picture complete: communication, approach and understanding the assignment after the first reading. I appreciate that boomex is very efficient in ad-hoc campaigns. Even under time pressure, they could clearly transform the assignment into a functional and marketable proposal and their creativity maintains a high standard and memorable idea in all circumstances.
We have unified the client's local brands, creating the most fundamental change in the company. Read more →
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